Contact us
There are a few ways to become a part of the ScummVM community:
Chat with us on Discord or the IRC Channel . It’s a great place to hang out with developers and other ScummVM users.
Post on the ScummVM Forum . We have several forums; the Help and Support forum if you need help while using ScummVM, the General discussion forum for all general questions, and The Junkyard for almost everything else! We also have some platform-specific forums, in case you have a specific question. Make sure to read the Forum Rules before posting.
There are three ScummVM mailing lists, which you can join here.
If you find a bug, Report a bug.
Feature requests can be made to our Feature request tracker.
If you have made modifications to the ScummVM source code and would like to see them merged into the main code, open a Pull Request on our GitHub page.
We look forward to meeting you!