Nintendo DS
This page contains all the information you need to get ScummVM up and running on a Nintendo DS.
What you’ll need
A homebrew-enabled Nintendo DSi or DSi XL. Note that the original DS and DS Lite are not currently supported. How to enable homebrew is outside the scope of this documentation.
Installing ScummVM
Download the Nintendo DS package from the ScummVM Downloads page. Extract the archive and copy the extracted scummvm.nds
file onto the SD card. The exact location is not important.
Transferring game files
Transfer game folders onto the SD card. The exact location is not important.
See Handling game files for more information about game file requirements.
Controls can also be manually configured in the Keymaps tab. See the Keyboard shortcuts page for common keyboard shortcuts.
Saved games and the configuration file are found in the ScummVM installation directory.
For more information about Settings, see the Settings section of the documentation. Only platform-specific differences are listed here.
Supported audio file formats:
Uncompressed audio
Games run faster if audio files are uncompressed.
Known issues
Games requiring a resolution of 512x512 or higher are not supported on the DS due to hardware limitations.
Some games are not playable due to the slow CPU speed and limited RAM on the DS. If there are any games that run really slowly, this is considered a hardware limitation, not a bug.