Audio settings are found on four tabs:
To change settings globally:
From the Launcher, select Global Options, then select the applicable tab.
To change settings for a specific game:
From the Launcher, highlight the game in the games list, and select the Game Options button. If the Launcher is in grid view, select the game and then select the gear icon in the popup window. Select the applicable tab.
For a comprehensive look at how to use ScummVM’s extensive audio settings, check out our Understanding the audio settings guide.
All settings can also be changed in the Configuration file. The configuration key is listed in italics after each setting description.
The Audio tab
Use the Audio tab to change the sound output of games.

The Audio tab in the Global Options menu.

The Audio tab in the Game Options menu.
- Preferred device (global settings) or Music device (game-specific settings)
Specifies the device ScummVM uses to output audio. When set to <default>, ScummVM automatically chooses the most appropriate option for the played game. If set to an MT-32 or a MIDI device, or if ScummVM chooses one of these automatically, the settings on the MT-32 or MIDI tabs also apply.
- AdLib Emulator
Chooses which emulator is used by ScummVM when the AdLib emulator is chosen as the Preferred device.
- Text and Speech
For games with digitized speech, this setting lets the user decide whether to play the game with speech only, subtitles only, or both.
- Subtitle speed
Adjusts the length of time that the subtitles are displayed on screen. The meaning of this value depends on the games. Some games treat it as a delay (a higher value means the subtitles are displayed for longer) while others treat it as a speed. Games that treat it as a delay include all LucasArts games, with the exception of Grim Fandango and Escape from Monkey Island, all Sierra games, and the Discworld games. Most other games treat it as a speed.
The Volume tab
Use the Volume tab to set the relative volumes for various in-game sounds.

The Volume tab in the Game Options menu.
- Music volume
Adjusts the volume of the music in the game.
- SFX volume
Adjusts the volume of the sound effects in the game.
- Speech volume
Adjusts the volume of the digitized speech in the game, if it has any.
- Mute All
Mutes all game audio.
The MIDI tab
Use the MIDI tab to change the settings of General MIDI (GM) devices.

The MIDI tab in the Global Options menu
- GM Device
Specifies a preferred General MIDI device, which ScummVM uses if the Preferred device is set to <default> and General MIDI playback is required.
- Soundfont
Specifies the path to a soundfont file, if this is required by the GM device.
- Mixed AdLib/MIDI mode
Combines MIDI music with AdLib sound effects.
- MIDI gain
Adjusts the relative volume of the MIDI music. This is only supported by some music devices.
Opens a new dialog, with three further tabs: Reverb | Chorus | Misc

The FluidSynth dialog, reached from the MIDI tab.
Reverberation, or reverb, describes the pattern of echoes and reflections that occur when a sound is heard in an enclosed closed space, such as a room or a concert hall.
- Active
If ticked, reverb is added to the software synthesizer output.
- Room
Sets the room size, which determines how much reverb there is.
- Damp
Dampens higher-frequency reverb, which produces a warmer sound.
- Width
Sets the stereo spread of the reverb signal.
- Level
Sets the reverb output amplitude.
The chorus effect thickens and colors the audio signal so that it sounds as if there are a chorus of instruments playing one part.
- Active
If ticked, chorus effects are added to the software synthesizer output.
- N
Sets the voice count of the chorus, in other words, how many instruments are playing one part.
- Level
Specifies the output amplitude of the chorus signal.
- Speed
Sets the modulation speed of the output, in Hz.
- Depth
Specifies the modulation depth of the chorus.
- Type
Specifies the chorus modulation waveform type.
- Interpolation
Sets the interpolation method used by the software synthesizer.
The MT-32 tab
Use the MT-32 tab to change the settings of Roland MT-32 devices.

The MT-32 tab in the Global Options menu
- MT-32 Device
Specifies a preferred MT-32 device, which ScummVM uses if the Preferred device is set to <default> and MT-32 playback is required.
- True Roland MT-32 (disable GM emulation)
Tells ScummVM that the MIDI device is an actual Roland MT-32, LAPC-I, CM-64, CM-32L, CM-500 or other MT-32 device. Note that this cannot be used in conjuntion with the Roland GS device option.
- Roland GS device (enable MT-32 mappings)
Tells ScummVM that the MIDI device is a GS device that has an MT-32 map, such as an SC-55, SC-88 or SC-8820. Note that this cannot be used in conjunction with the True Roland MT-32 option.